Podjetniški center Pegasus predstavlja vse tisto, kar pomaga podjetnikom k razvoju in stalnemu napredku. Je izvir znanja, inspiracij in pripadnosti, saj smo kot skupnost močnejši in sposobni ustvarjati boljša podjetja, boljše medsebojne odnose in boljše podjetniško okolje.
Pricing Table 2
Pricing Plan
Offering Our Best Plan For Your
Business Purpose
Basic Plan
$19/ Month
$90/ Year
Popularised in the follower with the etraset sheets containing.
- 40GB Emaining essentially
- Letraset sheets containing
- The industry's standard
- Essentially unchanged
- Modern Technology
Standard Plan
$39/ Month
$60/ Year
Popularised in the follower with the etraset sheets containing.
- 40GB Emaining essentially
- Letraset sheets containing
- The industry's standard
- Essentially unchanged
- Modern Technology
Premium Plan
$49/ Month
$60/ Year
Popularised in the follower with the etraset sheets containing.
- 40GB Emaining essentially
- Letraset sheets containing
- The industry's standard
- Essentially unchanged
- Modern Technology