Podjetniški center Pegasus predstavlja vse tisto, kar pomaga podjetnikom k razvoju in stalnemu napredku. Je izvir znanja, inspiracij in pripadnosti, saj smo kot skupnost močnejši in sposobni ustvarjati boljša podjetja, boljše medsebojne odnose in boljše podjetniško okolje.
Business Solutions For All Enterprises
Bhen an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled ype specimen book. It has survived .
Business Solutions For All Enterprises
Bhen an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled ype specimen book. It has survived .
Business Audit
Business whenknown printer aretook galley of type and scrambled make type specimen book.
Financial Analysis
Business whenknown printer aretook galley of type and scrambled make type specimen book.
Investment Trading
Business whenknown printer aretook galley of type and scrambled make type specimen book.
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Doing The Right Thing At The Right Time
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Prilagojeni vam. Vsakemu članu, partnerju oz. podporniku.
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It has survived not only five centuries.
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Bookan unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled make It has survived not only five centuries.Lorem ipsum dolor sitam consectetur adipiscg sedo eiusmod tempor incididuntlabore dolor ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
Pegasusov podjetniški KROG
Pegasusov podjetniški krog Pridruži se nam, ko bomo spregovorili o tem kakšna prihodnost nas čaka,
Pegasusov podjetniški krog
Pegasusov podjetniški krog: “Kaj nas vodi?” Četrtek, 26. januar 2023 ob 18h. Pridruži se nam,
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Finance when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuriFinance.
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“Za partnersko sodelovanje s Podjetniškim centrom Pegasus smo se odločili, ker podpiramo razvoj podjetništva in ker na vrednotah, na katerih temelji Pegasusova podjetniška skupnost, temelji tudi naše delovanje.”
“Podjetniški center Pegasus je odličen center, saj poleg pozitivne podjetniške atmosfere ponuja konkretne predloge in rešitve vrhunskih strokovnjakov in podjetnikov iz našega okolja, ki temeljijo predvsem na realnih izkušnjah. To pa je za podjetnike,
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Bookan unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled make It has survived not only five centuries.Lorem ipsum dolor sitam consectetur adipiscg sedo eiusmod tempor incididuntlabore dolor ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.